
How to Get Rid of VPN on iPhone: Simple Uninstallation Steps

Many of us use VPNs on our iPhones to stay safe online. But sometimes, we need to remove them. We’ll show you how to delete your VPN. You can do this through settings or the VPN app.

If you follow our steps, you’ll know how to take off your VPN. Plus, you’ll learn about the risks and other options. Let’s start and see how easy it is to remove your iPhone’s VPN.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Understanding VPNs on iPhones

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, boosts your online safety on an iPhone. It creates a secure link between your phone and a distant server. This way, it guards your web traffic from unwanted eyes, like your ISP, hackers, or government agencies.

What is a VPN and why do people use it?

Many iPhone users enjoy VPNs for several reasons. They let you access content not available in your area. Also, VPNs secure personal info, like login details, against cyber thieves, especially on public Wi-Fi.

Reasons to disable or remove a VPN on an iPhone

  • Troubleshooting internet connectivity issues: If your internet is glitchy, turning off the VPN can help figure out why.
  • Accessing location-based services: Some iPhone apps need to know where you are. But a VPN might make this hard for them.
  • Conserving battery life: VPNs can use up more battery. So, turning it off can make your iPhone last longer.
  • Bypassing VPN blocks on streaming platforms: Sometimes you need to disable the VPN to watch certain shows or movies.

Most of the time, having a VPN on your iPhone is smart for keeping your data safe. But, there are times when you might want to turn it off or remove it. Understanding both the good and not so good of using a VPN will help you decide when to use it.

How to Turn Off VPN on iPhone via Settings

If you want to switch off your VPN on an iPhone, doing it through your phone’s settings is easy. Here’s how to turn off a VPN on your iPhone using the settings.

  1. First, unlock your iPhone and open Settings.
  2. Now, scroll down and tap on “General”.
  3. In the General settings, look for and tap “VPN & Device Management”.
  4. Find your VPN’s configuration here. Then, tap on it.
  5. Lastly, turn off the VPN by moving the switch to the “Off” position.

These steps make it quick and simple to disable your VPN using only your iPhone. Whether you’re wondering how to turn off VPN on iPhone, disable VPN on iPhone, or deactivate VPN on iPhone, this method works well. It lets you manage your VPN without deleting apps or looking for extra settings.

1Open Settings app
2Tap on “General”
3Select “VPN & Device Management”
4Tap on the VPN configuration
5Toggle the VPN switch to “Off”
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These simple instructions show you how to easily disable your VPN on an iPhone. Whether it’s just for a short while or for good, your phone’s Settings app has you covered. It gives you a clear way to manage your VPN connection without any trouble.

How to Disable VPN on iPhone via VPN App

If you’re using a VPN app on your iPhone, you can disable it from the app. This involves simple steps to end the VPN connection and get back your normal internet.

Step-by-Step Guide for Disabling VPN in the App

Here’s how to turn off your VPN using your iPhone’s app:

  1. Find the VPN app on your home screen or in the app drawer.
  2. Open the app and look for a toggle switch that says “Connected” or “On”.
  3. Tap the switch to turn off your VPN. It should change to “Not Connected” or “Off”.
  4. If you can’t disconnect from the app, look in its settings for a way to turn off the VPN.
  5. After turning off the VPN, your iPhone will use the internet normally without VPN’s security.

Following these steps makes it easy to disable VPN on iPhone through the VPN app. You can also turn off VPN on iPhone using the VPN app to deactivate VPN on iPhone from the app.

VPN AppSteps to Disable VPN
ExpressVPN1. Open the ExpressVPN app
2. Tap the “Disconnect” button
NordVPN1. Open the NordVPN app
2. Tap the “Disconnect” button
ProtonVPN1. Open the ProtonVPN app
2. Tap the “Disconnect” button

By following these directions, you can disable your VPN on iPhone through the app. This restores your internet access to normal.

Troubleshooting: VPN Keeps Reconnecting on iPhone

Have you been frustrated because your iPhone’s VPN keeps turning back on after you’ve disabled it? It can be annoying. However, there’s a fix that can help you take back control of your VPN.

Disabling the “Connect on Demand” Feature

The issue often comes from the “Connect on Demand” feature. It’s supposed to make your VPN reconnect whenever it sees you’re online. But, it can get too eager and re-enable your VPN too much.

To end this auto-reconnection, do the following:

  1. Open your iPhone’s Settings and go to VPN.
  2. Click on the ⓘ next to the VPN you’re using.
  3. Turn Off the “Connect on Demand” feature.

Turning off the “Connect on Demand” feature stops your VPN from auto-starting when it sees a network. This solves the issue of your VPN reconnecting by itself all the time.

Be aware that the steps might differ based on your VPN app. But, the main idea of turning off “Connect on Demand” works for most VPNs.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, we have more tricks up our sleeve. Check back for other ways to tackle the VPN reconnecting issue on your iPhone!

how to get rid of vpn on iphone

If you want to say goodbye to your iPhone’s VPN, you’ve got a couple of options. You can uninstall the VPN app. Or, you can erase the VPN configuration from your iPhone’s settings. We’ll show you how to do each step by step.

Uninstall the VPN App

Easily ditch your phone’s VPN by removing the app. This action wipes out the software and its files. Your iPhone will be VPN-free. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Locate the VPN app on your iPhone’s home screen.
  2. Press and hold the app icon until it starts jiggling.
  3. Tap the small ‘X’ that appears in the top-left corner of the app icon.
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the app by tapping ‘Delete’.

Remove the VPN Configuration

Wish to keep the VPN app but halt the VPN connection? You can by erasing the VPN configuration from your phone’s settings. Doing this prevents the VPN from connecting, effectively turning it off. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your iPhone’s ‘Settings’ app.
  2. Tap on ‘General’ and then ‘VPN & Device Management’.
  3. Locate the VPN profile you want to remove and tap the information (ⓘ) icon next to it.
  4. Tap ‘Delete VPN’ to permanently remove the VPN configuration from your iPhone.

Using these methods, you can fully take off the VPN from your iPhone. Whether you opt to delete the app or its settings, your iPhone won’t be connected to the VPN anymore. You’ll be free to explore the web without the VPN’s security layer.

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Uninstalling the VPN App from iPhone

To remove a VPN from your iPhone, uninstall the app. It’s easy and only takes a few steps. Let’s see how to do it.

Locating the VPN App

First, find the VPN app on your home screen. You can look through your app pages. Or just use the search function to find it quickly.

Deleting the VPN App

When you see the VPN app, tap and hold the icon. A menu will pop up. Choose the “Remove App” option from there.

You’ll then be asked to confirm the deletion. Once you confirm, the app disappears from your phone. This step is crucial to get rid of the VPN.

Removing the VPN Configuration

Sometimes, the VPN settings remain after you delete the app. To fully remove the VPN, go to your settings app. There, you should delete the VPN profile.

Following these steps helps you completely uninstall a VPN from your iPhone. It’s the key to removing the VPN app from your device. Then, your iPhone will be free of the VPN’s impact.

Removing VPN Configuration from iPhone Settings

Even if you delete the VPN app, its settings may stay on your iPhone. To be sure the VPN is gone, you must go to settings and remove it.

Deleting the VPN Profile

Here’s how you can erase the VPN setup from your iPhone:

  1. Go to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management.
  2. Tap the info (ⓘ) icon next to the VPN you wish to erase.
  3. Choose “Delete VPN” to take it off your iPhone for good.

By doing this, you take out the VPN from your iPhone settings. It ensures you delete the VPN setup and make sure it’s not working on your phone anymore.

It’s key to remember that erasing the VPN profile is essential. Even if you uninstalled the VPN app and turned off the VPN in your iPhone’s settings, this step removes the profile, ending it completely.

When to Disable or Remove a VPN on iPhone

Maintaining a VPN connection on your iPhone boosts online privacy and security. Yet, there are times disabling or removing it is wise. Below are some cases you might consider turning off or uninstalling your VPN.

Troubleshooting Internet Connectivity Issues

If your internet is slow or keeps disconnecting, a VPN might be the issue. It can sometimes create problems in poor network areas. Disabling it can be a simple fix to check if the VPN is causing the trouble.

Accessing Location-Based Services

Location-based apps use your iPhone’s real location to work properly. When a VPN hides your true position, these apps can fail. Disabling the VPN for a moment can help these apps get the right location data.

Conserving Battery Life

VPNs use energy to keep your connection secure. This extra power can drain your battery faster. If you’re trying to save battery power, turning off the VPN can help your phone last longer.

Bypassing VPN Blocks

Some services ban VPN users, preventing access. If you can’t use a service because of the VPN, turn it off. This step might allow you to use the service without restrictions.

Deciding to disable or remove your iPhone’s VPN requires thought. A VPN is good for protection, but in some cases, a break from it is needed. This choice depends on understanding the situation and balancing risks with benefits.

Risks of Using iPhone Without a VPN

When we turn off a VPN on our iPhone, we open ourselves up to many dangers online. Our ISP can track our browsing without the VPN’s protection. Our IP address is shown to the sites we visit. This makes it easier for ads to target us and for our info to be watched. It also increases the risk of cyber attacks and makes public Wi-Fi unsafe because hackers may steal our sensitive data.

Diminished Online Privacy and Security

A VPN on our iPhone keeps our online life private and secure. If we don’t use it, our digital footprints are left for anyone to see. This includes what we do online, info we share, and even our private data like passwords. Without a VPN, our data isn’t safe from ISP tracking or cyber thieves.

  • Without a VPN, our real IP address becomes visible, making it easier for websites and online services to track our location and online behavior.
  • We become more susceptible to targeted advertising, as our browsing data can be used to create detailed user profiles for commercial purposes.
  • The risks of using public Wi-Fi networks without a VPN increase, as our data could be intercepted by hackers and used for malicious purposes.
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Using an iPhone without a VPN opens us up to real dangers. It puts our privacy and safety at risk against threats. Thus, it’s wise to think twice before turning off or deleting the VPN from our devices.

Alternatives to Disabling VPN on iPhone

Sometimes, you might need to bypass your VPN on your iPhone temporarily. However, there are ways to do this without turning off your VPN. These choices let you keep your VPN’s benefits. Plus, they help you reach certain content or services even when your VPN is on.

Use a VPN Provider with Servers in Your Desired Location

Find a VPN service with servers where you need them. This is great for accessing region-blocked content. Connecting to a server in that area lets you get past the restrictions. You keep the extra security and privacy your VPN gives you.

Find a VPN Compatible with Streaming Platforms

Look for a VPN that works well with streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+. Certain VPNs have settings just for these services. They let you watch shows from other countries without turning off your VPN.

Utilize Split-Tunneling Feature (if Available)

If your VPN has split-tunneling, use it. This feature lets you pick which traffic goes through the VPN. It’s useful for accessing local services that might not like VPN connections. You get to keep VPN protection for the right online activities.

With these options, you can keep your VPN active on your iPhone. You get to have more safety, privacy, and content access. And you can still handle special needs or situations that come up.

Alternatives to disabling VPN on iPhone


We’ve looked at how to remove a VPN from your iPhone step by step. You can do this by changing your settings or through the app. If the VPN keeps turning back on, we’ve given tips to fix that.

Following our guide will help you turn off or delete a VPN on your iPhone. You’ll know why you might want to remove it. Sometimes, a VPN can cause problems with apps or services.

Our guide aims to give you the key points on deleting a VPN from your iPhone. It summarizes the steps you need to take. Whether you want your device to work better, access specific content, or manage your internet connection, this guide helps you decide what’s best for you.


What is a VPN and why do people use it on their iPhones?

A VPN is like a secret tunnel on the internet. It hides what you do online and keeps it private. On an iPhone, people use VPNs for many reasons. It stops others from seeing what they do online, whether it’s hackers or the government. Also, VPNs help access things online that might be blocked in some places.

When would I need to disable or remove a VPN on my iPhone?

Sometimes, you might need to turn off or delete your iPhone’s VPN. This can be necessary for a few reasons. For instance, if the internet isn’t working right, or you need to use certain apps that check where you are. It can also help save your phone’s battery or watch movies without the VPN getting in the way.

How do I turn off a VPN on my iPhone through the device’s settings?

To stop your VPN on an iPhone, you should head to the settings. 1) First, unlock your phone and find the Settings app. 2) Then, scroll down and tap on “General.” 3) Next, look for “VPN & Device Management” and tap there. 4) Finally, find your VPN and turn the switch to “Off.”

How can I disable a VPN on my iPhone through the VPN app?

VPN companies usually have their own apps on iPhones. If you want to turn off the VPN, open the app. Look for a button that shows the VPN is on, it might say “Connected” or “On”. Tap it, and it will change to “Not Connected” or “Off”.

What if my VPN keeps reconnecting on my iPhone even after I’ve turned it off?

If your iPhone’s VPN keeps turning back on, it might be because of a setting that makes it reconnect automatically. To stop this, go to the VPN’s settings. Find the VPN’s name and tap the “ⓘ” icon next to it. Turn off the “Connect on Demand” setting. That should fix it.

How can I completely remove a VPN from my iPhone?

To take a VPN completely off your iPhone, you have a couple of choices. You could 1) Delete the VPN app, or 2) Take off the VPN’s settings from your phone. For the second option, go to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management. Tap the “ⓘ” icon next to your VPN’s name. Then, choose “Delete VPN.” This removes the VPN from your phone for good.

What are the risks of using an iPhone without a VPN?

Using your iPhone without a VPN opens you up to dangers online. Your internet provider can see what websites you visit. Websites can find out more about you than you might want. Also, without a VPN, you’re more at risk of being watched by the government. Hackers on public Wi-Fi could potentially see your personal info.

Are there any alternatives to disabling the VPN on my iPhone?

If you don’t want to turn off your VPN completely, there are other ways to handle it. For example, choosing a VPN server close to where you want to be online. Or finding a VPN that still lets you watch movies without issues. Using split-tunneling can also work. This lets you use the VPN for some things but not everything.

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